Thursday, June 11, 2020

Mehsani Buffalo Breed

Full details about Mehsani Buffalo Breed like 
1. introduction about Breed
2. physical characteristics
3. economic character
4. utility of breed
5. coat of animals

1. Introduction of Mehsana Buffalo:
              The breeding tract of this breed is Mehsana, Gujarat; this breed is found in Sabarkantha and Banaskantha districts of Gujarat state. This breed is evolved out of crossbreeding between the Surti and the Murrah. Oliver describes the breed for the first time. Buffaloes play an important role in the agricultural economy of India because of their adaptability to harsh climatic conditions, tolerance to tropical diseases and survival under poor feeding and management practices. The skin color of Mehsana breed is black. The skin color of this breed is not as dark as that of the Murrah, and the horns are shorter and less curved. Mehsana buffaloes are well known for the regularity in breeding, persistence in milk and efficient milk production, which is apparently evident from the lactation length and short dry period.

2. Physical characteristics of Mehsana: 
                  This breed of buffalo is a medium-sized docile animal with a low set deep body. 
- The Mehsana breed's forehead is wide with a slight depression in the middle sloping towards the base of the horns. 
- The horns of this breed are generally sickle shaped, curved upwards and then bend downwards and its neck is long and well set on the shoulders.
- Mehsana buffalo is massive and dewlap is almost absent in males. Its chest is deep with broad brisket. 
- Its legs are medium to short length with clean and broad bones and the barrel is long and deep, with well- sprung ribs. 
- In females of this breed, the four quarters are light while the hindquarters are wide and heavy giving a wedge shaped appearance. 
- This breed's back is straight and strong with pelvic joints higher than the withers with a very small navel flap.
- The horns of this breed are less curved at the end compared to Murrah breed, but are longer and could be of irregular shape.
- Mehsana breed's tail is of medium thickness and long with black or brown switch. 
- Its skin is thin, pliable and soft and generally black with rough and scanty hair. 
- The average adult body weight changes from 365 to 455 kg in females and about 500 kg in males. 
- The udder in this breed is well developed and well set and in good milking animals it is carried well behind. 
- The teats are fairly thick, long and pliable with prominent milk vein.
- Its eyes are very prominent, black and bright bulging from their sockets with folds of skin on the upper lids.

3. Economic Characteristics of Mehsana Buffalo: 
a. Age at First Parturition: Average 42-48 Months.
b. Milk Production/ lactation: 1800-2000 Kg.
c. Mehsana Buffalo Milk Per day:
 Mehsana Buffalos can yield more than 7-9 liters of milk per day.
d. Parturition Interval: 10-31 months with average of 16 months.
e. Milk Fat percentage: Average 7-7.5 %. 
f. Total estimated Population in the state in 2007: 33,70,215 (2007).

4. Utility of the Mehsana Buffalo Breed: 
              About 7.5 percent of farmers reared buffaloes for milk production and 44 percent for both breeding and milk purposes. Farmers who kept Mehsana buffaloes for breeding represented only 1.5 percent of the total surveyed. About 65 percent of the farmers sold Mehsana buffaloes to businessmen, who took the animals to Mumbai and Ahmadabad for milk production. These businessmen send them for slaughtering after completion of lactation.

5. Mehsana Buffalo Cost:
               Usually, Mehsana Buffalo costs from 50,000 to 1,30,000 rupees depending milk production, age, lactation status and pregnancy status. Generally, Pregnant Mehsana Buffalo costs more than dry ones. Healthy and young Mehsana bull also costs in the similar range of Mehsana Buffalo.