Monday, June 22, 2020

Haemorrhagic Septicaemia (H.S.)

Haemorrhagic Septicaemia (H.S.)
                     Acute septicaemic disease of cattle, buffaloes, sheep and goats caused by Pasteurella multocida. Outbreaks usually occur in early monsoon and during stress conditions. 

Clinical Symptoms 
             The disease mainly occurs in per-acute, acute and sub-acute form. The main symptoms shown are high fever, nasal discharge, dyspnoea, lachrymation, rapid pulse, anorexia, drop in the milk yield, oedema under the jaw/neck. Prostration and death. In some cattle, buffaloes and sheep there is nervous involvement. In some there may be haemorrhagic diarrhoea.

Confirmation Testing in laboratory
              Blood smear and smear from oedematous fluid. Leishman's staining can show typical bipolars organisms. Send blood and gedematous fluid in sterile pippet on ice for rabbit inoculation. 

Effective if given in early stages Sulfa drugs : 
VESADIN (Rhone P.) sc 100 200 ml
DIADIN (Pfizer) as initial dose for adults
SULPHADIMIDINE (Ind. Immunol) Half dose by iv and half 
 DIMDIN (Kosmorex) Repeat half dose after 24 hrs 
                For chronic pastureliosis Inj. Trimethoprim Sulpha or Biotrim iv -15-30 ml by slow iv. In all forms of disease Terramycin or Oxystectlin 40- 60 ml iv are also effective. Maintain prolonged levels by giving Terramycin-LA or Oxysteclin-LA 20 - 30 ml im. Inj. Anthisan 10 ml sc and (or any other antihistamine). 

                    Alum precipitated H.S. vaccine 5 ml sc (Immunity: 6 months) Oil adjuvant vaccine 2.5 to 3 ml im (Immunity : 1 year). This may produce severe shock the reaction after vaccination in some animals. The reactions can be controlled by prompt use of antihistaminic inj.