Thursday, June 25, 2020


                 Peracute septicemic disease of animals caused by Bacillus anthrasis, common in cattle. Commnunicable to man.

Clinical Symptoms- 
            Hyperpyrexia, bleeding from natural orifices, sudden death.

              Examination of blood smears. Tarry black blood. Spleen enlarged 8 - 10 times and black. Send either blood or piece or ear neatly packed, for laboratory confirmation (Ascoli's precipitation test and Guinea pig inoculation test.) 

            Crystalline Pencillin 40 - 80 Lakh i.u. iv and procaine penicilin 40 lakh im. Hyperimmune anti Anthrax serum 100 -200 ml, iv is specific. Repeat crystalline penicillin at 3 hourly interval.
TERRAMYCIN  or OXYSTECLIN in high doses iv could also be used. 

Prophylaxis -
                    Anthrax spore vaccine 1 ml, sc Spore vaccine to be handled with great caution and used only where repeated outbreaks are confirmed. 

                one  year. Annual revaccination in enzootic areas. Do not open carcass if Anthrax is suspected. Deep burial of carcass and disinfection of cattle shed.