Thursday, June 25, 2020

Actionobacillosis, Wooden tongue

Actionobacillosis (Wooden tongue) 
       Disease of bovines caused by Actinobcillus lignieresi. Acute inflammatory. swelling of soft tissues of head (Lymph glands and tongue) followed by indurations and abscess formation of lymph glands. For confirmation send pus smears. 

Biniodide of Mercury  0.2 gm. in water as
Potassium Iodide  10 gm. a drench for 7 days.
Potassium Iodide 2 gm. in 20 ml. dist. water iv repeated 2 -3 times at 3days interval. 
        Streptopenicillin in high dose daily for 6 - 8 days is highly effective. Long actirg tetracycline (Terramycin-LA, Oxyvet-LA) in recommended dose may also be tried. 
No vaccine available. The veterinarian and dresser/ attendants should take precautions because the infection is transmissible to human.